Loans for Stability
Strengthening Your Business? Improving Your Efficiency?
Whether you're strengthening your business through good financial decision-making or looking for ways to optimize efficiency, the local experts at First National Bank Alaska will help you find the right loan.
Accounts Receivable Loan
Pay monthly operating expenses while waiting for payments from customers.
Escrow Receivable Loan
Businesses with escrows serviced by First National may qualify for an escrow receivable loan based on the amount of future scheduled escrow payments and the balance of the escrow.
Revolving Line of Credit
Meet working capital needs or bonding requirements without having to go through the application process each time with a revolving line of credit. Collateral and repayment terms are established on an annual basis and tailored to your needs.
Refinance Real Estate Purchases & Investment
Explore potentially better rates and terms.
Convert Electronic Health Records
Financing options to help Alaska's healthcare providers convert to Electronic Health Records (EHR).